Monday, June 4, 2007

trying to find the nonexistent

A. There was no motion about Ponte Vista passed by Northwest.

Going back through their minutes to the beginning of 2005, there were resolutions passed for funding of the hiring of consultants, to devote an entire newsletter to Ponte Vista, for sending comments on the DEIR into the Planning Department.

At the January 9, 2006 meeting, John Greenwood stated "Our position as a Neighborhood Council is that we have real concerns about the density of the project."

1. This was a procedurally incorrect and unauthorized statement, since the full Neighborhood Council had not made a motion or passed a resolution that this was their position.

2. A statement by an officer, giving his own opinions during the course of an oral report cannot be construed a properly passed resolution by the entire Council.

3. Even in light of the foregoing, "...real concerns about the density of the project..." cannot be construed as a comprehensive statement regarding the entire development.

B. Should the Coastal Council produce a resolution, it is in complete violation of their own long-standing policy of not endorsing or opposing any development projects. Over the last few years, they have steadfastly stuck to their policy. Why would they suddenly violate it for Ponte Vista?

C. To the best of my knowledge, besides the Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council, only the Wilmington Neighborhood Council has passed a Resolution regarding Ponte Vista. The wording of the Resolution was to support the findings and recommendations of Janice Hahn's Ponte Vista Citizen's Advisory Committee.

Tom Field


Anonymous said...

I read the statements from the councils on Mark's site. In your words:
This sure reads like an endorsement (of R1) to me

Oh and why would the coastal council violate their steadfastly stuck policy for Ponte Vista? Because Ponte Vista is the worst thing that could happen to San Pedro. Seems reasonable to violate the policy for that.

Tom said...

Anonymous 9:19pm

I do not doubt Coast passed a formal resolution.

Northwest on the other hand did not. Passing on comments to a DEIR is not a formal resolution by any stretch.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think the coastal council would violate their policy for Ponte Vista?

Anonymous said...

Reads Northwest council's comments here:
This was sent to the Mayor, Janice Hahn, and Bisno Development Corp.

Tom said...

Anonymous 10:24pm

Please obtain a copy of Robert's Rules of Order and become familiar with parlimentary procedure. What you are quoting IS NOT a resolution. It is a comment to the City Planning Department about the DEIR. It does not matter who was cc'd on it. It was not a resolution. Adopting comments is much different than passing a resolution.

But don't believe me. Ask DONE, or the City Attorney.

More of your typical garbage. Make an outrageous statement and believe if you repeat it enough times it will make it true. Sorry, no such luck. Northwest dropped the ball and this is just a weak attempt to put a bandaid on it.

Anonymous said...
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Tom said...
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Tom said...

No dummy, making the statement Northwest passed a resolution when they did not is the "outrageous statement".

The Nave Family Neighborhood Council - oh, excuse me, the Northwest Neighborhood Council, just has their little club that they use to pass things and push their own agenda. They really don't care about the stakeholders in their district, or the community as a whole. As long as their way of life is preserved, they couldn't care less about anyone else.

Anonymous said...
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