Friday, June 22, 2007

My take on the new proposal

Please excuse the length of time this post has taken. I've tried my best to step back, look at the situation objectively and get past the strong reactions the presentation engendered. Still, I could not jump right in and evaluate the entire new proposal. What I'm going to do is start in slowly with some points brought up during the meeting and work up to how the new proposal from Bisno effects the ideas I presented back in March.

I ask your patience and forbearance because there were several things said during the meeting, and afterwards, which are difficult and commenting on them is just about impossible to do without some of it sounding a bit aggressive. While I make comments about certain people, I want everyone to understand they are not personal attacks. I must, however, comment on their stated positions since they are part-and-parcel of the CAC process.

This will also be a longer post than I normally like to do. My apologies in advance.

• I need to start with Pat Nave. Mr. Nave is an intelligent man and in certain areas, he has my respect. However, Mr. Nave is an R-1 zealot and it is my belief that, in addition, he has an extreme personal dislike for Bisno. I am not defending Bisno. He is a developer and, by nature, aggressive and abrasive. Sometimes he is not a very likable fellow. However, Pat has allowed these things to cloud his intellect and judgment.

While every other critic of traffic numbers I've heard says that Bisno and LA DOT are using the wrong ITE numbers, Pat says the ITE tables are completely invalid and should be ignored. Jerry Gaines is wrong. Mr. Kim from the LA DOT is wrong. Gordon Teuber is wrong, etc., etc.. Everyone is wrong. This is arrogance taken to its limit.

The ITE tables are accurate and reliable because of the size of their database. Anyone who understands anything about statistics knows that the larger the database, the more reliable the numbers. Mr. Nave's position is completely at odds with every professional in the field, while he IS NOT a trained or certified traffic engineer.

I know Mr. Nave is a retired Port of Los Angeles attorney. This is another reason I fault his reasoning. During Pat Nave's tenure, the Port of Los Angeles has given us a legacy of horrible traffic, fatal air quality, and unrestrained expansion. This is hardly something on which to base your qualifications, or tout as something to be proud of. In my humble opinion, Pat Nave needs to go sit in the corner with his dunce cap on.

• The next people I have to comment on I will do together. Leah Marinkovich and Lucie Thorsen sat there at the CAC meeting passing the microphone back-and-forth between them, completely disregarding any courtesy for their boss Councilwoman Hahn, other CAC members, or members of the public. All they were interested in was making their own pre-determined opinions made known. Both of them had their minds made up before the first CAC meeting in contravention of Councilwoman Hahn's wish that the CAC evaluate the project and offer their recommendations. Filibustering is no way to conduct a committee which is supposed to come up with a plan.

They should join Pat sitting in the corner.

• Chuck Hart needs to correct his racist attitude, or resign from the CAC. There is no question that his comment about "We need more million dollar homes." was aimed directly at San Pedro's Hispanic and African-American communities. Like it or not, these two communities are an integral part of San Pedro's demographics. There is no room for this type of attitude on the CAC. Mr. Hart should not sit in the corner. He should be booted out into the hallway until he adjusts his attitude.

But furthermore, it is an unfortunate fact which I have not seen anyone have the guts to talk about until this point. But I, for one, have had enough. I have heard denigrating remarks about both of these communities from several members of the R-1 gang. It is unacceptable and intolerable. I was shocked into disbelief that in this day-and-age these type of attitudes and comments could still exist in a community as diverse as San Pedro. If need be, I will meet with the Councilwoman personally to verify what has been said and who said it.

The R-1 gang has recruited Ray Patricio to their cause. I don't care how old he is, or how well-liked he is in the community. Making a comment about a "Mexican seven-course lunch" is offensive and has no place being said in the CAC meetings. Someone needs to rein him in.

• Victor Griego needs to do his job. He is supposed to be a facilitator. He should facilitate. It's no wonder Bisno fired him. It's a bigger wonder he was reinstated.

• John Greenwood puts me in a quandary. While I originally had him pegged as a completely R-1 proponent, I have been pleasantly surprised by the thought and planning he has put into offering an alternate project plan. The thing I would like Mr. Greenwood to do is to forget about LAUSD. They ARE NOT part of the Ponte Vista project and not part of what the CAC was charged to do by the Councilwoman. Councilwoman Hahn opposes a school the size of which LAUSD has proposed. She has said she would support a 500-seat academy. Bisno has said he would accommodate a school of that size. Given these facts, they should now be left out of the equation. Besides, they have disappeared. No one has heard anything from them and it is my belief they have moved on.

Early on, Bisno made it clear that if LAUSD exercised eminent domain, the DEIR would be out-the-window and he would have to start from scratch again anyway. Including them does nothing except cloud the main issues which need to be dealt with.

¤ Okay, I guess I've upset a great many people by this point. But now I will also level some criticism against a Ponte Vista supporter.

• Joe Donato is a hot-tempered guy. While I personally agree with his position, I disagree with his not yielding the floor when his time to speak was up.

I don't know. I'm on the fence with Mr. Donato. Even the Bible references "righteous anger". Joe was upset with the constant heckling during the entire meeting by members of the R-1 gang. He also voiced the opinion that the future of San Pedro should be decided by San Pedrans. Still I guess I would have to say that old trite phrase, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

I would have to point out to Mr. Donato that Councilwoman Hahn chose the CAC members from her district, not just San Pedro. This was a political decision. My opinion is that she did not need to include neighboring communities because this is the job of the Planning Department. Nevertheless, this is what she did. It is my belief she will make a decision on what type of project to support based on what is best for San Pedro and the surrounding communities. I believe her to be an intelligent, rational person, with integrity who, in the final analysis, will do what is right.

• R-1 proponents versus Ponte Vista supporters - that difference was obvious to everyone. Why R-1 supporters feel they have the right to be loud, rude, and shrill, I cannot understand. It does not make any points, or convince anyone. For the most part Ponte Vista supporters (except for Joe - sorry Joe, but it is true) were polite, stated their opinion and yielded the microphone when their time was up. The two most pertinent comments they made were that: 1) the range of housing for seniors and non-age restricted alike was one of the most important features of the project, and; 2) it was evident several members of the CAC had already decided their position which does not provide an environment for objective discussion.

¤ Now that I've pretty much upset everyone on both sides, if you are still reading, let me discuss some aspects of the project itself which I think are important.

• The first point I want to mention is the parks and open space. One of the major objections to Ponte Vista was that it would be gated. This has been eliminated. I would think people would be happy about it.

While it was not explicitly explained during the presentation, I'd like to offer a probability in answer to the question of who would be responsible for maintaining the 12+ acres of space now open to the public.

Most likely, the 6 (plus or minus) acres of park/athletic fields would most likely be titled over to Parks and Recreation. This makes sense. It is 6 contiguous acres and easily maintained by Parks & Rec. However, the other common areas within the project, and the water features would most likely remain the property of the project. Parks & Recreation is not always right on top of things and maintenance for these areas would most likely be demanded by homeowners.

• A point was brought up by a member of the CAC regarding this and who would pay for the maintenance. Given who made the point and their complete opposition to the project, I find it hard to believe they would suddenly be advocates for any prospective owners. But in the way of examples, there are many multiple-housing projects in San Pedro which are not gated and have common areas open to whomever wishes to take a stroll through. Therefore, this would not be unusual.

In case the argument is made that the owners should not have to pay fees for areas open to the public, this must be disclosed on sale and if a prospective buyer finds it that objectionable, they are free to not purchase at Ponte Vista.

• "Green" development. This is an outstanding decision. I have voiced the opinion for many months that living in a major metropolitan area, we cannot afford, environmentally, to continue building single-family homes on 5,000 square foot or larger lots. This change to the project adds icing-to-the-cake. Recycling water, using photovoltaic cells for generating electricity for common-area lighting, and shuttle-bus service makes ultimate sense.

The presentation was professional and complete. I do wish Mr. Bisno had explained what "LEED" certification was so I would not have had to look it up. I don't think I was the only one. (At least I hope not. If people start telling me they knew, I'm going to feel pretty stupid.)

The photovoltaic cells have been down-played by some other commenters about the project. I disagree. Soledad Garcia from the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council has been fighting the good fight with DWP to keep rates down. ANY electricity which can be generated internally is a boon.

Of course the cost is built into the price of the units. But if you calculate the cost into a 30-year mortgage, it is not even a couple pennies. Plus, after the project is complete and turned over to the HOA, it will be a source of lowering common area costs (which increase HOA dues) and could actually be a source of income further lowering the dues.

¤ Finally, my take on the size and composition of the project.

• I still feel 1,700 units is a good size. So does Jerry Gaines. With an increase of senior units to 850, that would lower non-age restricted units to 850. I would stick with my recommendation for 200 patio-homes leaving 650 townhomes. These numbers would reduce density, leave more open space, and, in my opinion, enhance the attractiveness of the project.

• Another disappointment for me was the presentation of 1,950 units. I understand Bisno is a developer and is always looking to maximize his profit, but it just seemed like the bare minimum he could come down and not really in keeping with "good-faith" negotiating.

• I would suggest that Bisno lose the 100 luxury attached single-family homes. I don't feel it is in keeping with the rest of the project, or the character of San Pedro.

• As has been mentioned in several places, the number of trips has still not been quantified. LA DOT said 1,837 units could be fully-mitigated. This was based upon 525 senior units and 1,312 non-age restricted units. If the project can come in even lower than that, given the increased number of senior units, that would increase the margin-of-error for traffic on Western. Anything which can be done to reduce that number SHOULD be done.

• To help reduce density, I also suggest the number of 4-bedroom units be reduced. Since that number has not yet been defined, it is a bit nebulous. However, I think 4-bedroom units fall into the same category as the luxury attached single-family homes and do not fit the character of the project.

¤ Conclusion

One of the public speakers at the CAC meeting was Doug Epperhart. The comment he made was the main reason I have taken 4 days to write this post. I have been debating with myself over it since Monday night.

That comment was words to the effect of "This project, Ponte Vista, is not San Pedro. It could be a development anywhere. There is nothing special which makes it San Pedro." Please excuse me if I do not remember it verbatim, but I think I got the main meaning of the comment.

• My question in response is "What is San Pedro? Is it the Gardens? Is it any of the many condo and apartment complexes? Is it some of the 60+ year-old ratholes that some people call houses? Is it the exclusive neighborhoods of Point Fermin and along Paseo Del Mar? What exactly is San Pedro? There is such a wide range of housing, how can you define what it is?"

Some people say we are just now recovering from the over-building of the '80s. How? By fencing off lots and growing weeds? How exactly are we "recovering"?

• My point-of-view about Ponte Vista is that we have a unique opportunity to re-define our community. We can continue to be a hodgepodge of nice homes, apartments and ratholes; OR we can set out on a new course to provide quality living at market rates. There is no holding back the tide. We cannot erect dikes around San Pedro to keep out the developers like they have dikes in New Orleans to keep out the water. (We saw how well the dikes worked there, eh?) One way or another San Pedro is going to be built up. We can either control it, or it will happen with little projects springing up like mushrooms all over town. All of them under-the-radar and suddenly we find ourselves with the same traffic problems, but no one developer we can compel to mitigate it.

I agree with Doug on the point of luxury homes not fitting with the character of the town, but that does not mean the entire project should be scrapped.

The future is upon us. Closing our eyes and pretending it isn't here will not stop it. Instead, let's take an active part in defining what we will become.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, You said alot about many people and issues. I want to share my opinion that Sandy Bradley's (Bisno's Senior Housing Advisor Chair) verbal attack against "RPV million dollar" homeowners was mean-spirited and very offensive to me personally. I was shocked by her broad generalization of RPV homeowners. She did not name names and she should have if there is any truth to her assertions. I don't know Sandy's phone number so I hope she reads this and contacts me. We need to talk.

Frankly, I've had enough of the B.S. (Bisno Supporters) because they have not made a good case in favor of mixed use zoning at Ponte Vista. I also want to mention your lack of attention to the fact that no amount of "pie in the sky" mitigation plans will make Western a better place to live. Note: Yes, Western is a location where we (San Pedrans and RPVer's)co-habitat and alway will. We are in this together and Bisno needs RPV's cooperation to implement a number of proposed road improvements. San Pedro cannot go it alone in this case. April Sandell

Anonymous said...

look, maybe it's something i am doing, but i have to wade through all of your old posts to finally get to the current one. if it stays like this it's is too much trouble to come to this website. Is it something i am doing or what?

Anonymous said...

you seem to spend an awful lot of time attacking r1. tom, we know your feelings about this group and i'm getting tired of hearing it. i understand somethings they say need to be counter-balanced, but could you get more back on track? i get your point.

Anonymous said...

i hear ya on leah and lucie. they are poor spokespeople for the R1 side. but tom, your 1700 unit size is still way way way too big.

Tom said...
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Tom said...
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Tom said...

anonynous 22, 2007, 8:17 AM - I've got my settings so it goes to the last post. This might conflicht with any setting you might have, but you shouhd came right to the "comment box". I will double-check my end, but could you check yours also and lets see how to make it easier for you.


Tom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1400 would be a better starting point. It would let the wind out of the sails of many pro R1 people and would be easier to push by Janice Hahn and the planning department.

1700 or 1950 don't deserve any more looking at.

How many 4-bedroom units are in Bob's plan, anyway? If you envision many less, then you must know how many he is planning to build right now.

Tom said...

I don't know. If I did, I would publish it Four-bedrooms don't feel like they would belong in a project like this is basically what I was saying.


Anonymous said...

Tom -
This truly is getting old. Your message is always "change is good" "Any other developer will be worse than Bisno" "More $$ for business owners (one of which is you)" "R1 is evil" blah blah blah. R1 only message is "We'll be sorry if Bisno gets his way" "San Pedro doesn't need the population and all the bad that comes with it." "We don't have the infrastructure" etc etc etc.
Face it Tom. Bisno is not listening to you, Janice Hahn is not listening to you, the R1 supporters are not listening to you..... What do you think you are accomplishing here? Reality check Tom: Your thoughts and opinions will not influence one single thing. The R1 movement has definitely made their voice heard and the right people have the message. Bisno WILL compromise again and we can thank the influence and voice of the R1 supporters for that.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I've seen it all!!! The R1 supporters are racist. Tom, you have made a ridiculous assertion about Chuck's comment and as far a Ray's was funny and even people of Mexican herritage in San Pedro would be laughing with him. My Mexican buddies who were born and raised here have no problem at all joking around like that. Just as I have no problem with people calling me a cheap Slav or making cheap Slav jokes. Real Pedro people are not bothered by it. This is the nature of San Pedro that we all like. People like you want to destroy it. It proves to me that you really have no clue about what the community of San Pedro is like...none whatsoever.

Tom said...

I am not the only one who thought the comments were racist. Others who were there thought so also.

In addition, there have been comments made by people other than CAC members who are in the R-1 gang. They were so seriously racist I won't even repeat them. However I heard it personally. My offer to personally meet with the Councilwoman stands. Why would I make such an offer if it wasn't true?

"Real" people, whether they are from San Pedro or elsewhere SHOULD be bothered by these coments. Any "community" which is not bothered by such comments is one where they probably still lynch people for looking at white women. This is not the San Pedro I know.

So get off your high-horse dude. The assertion is not ridiculous, your denial is.

Anonymous said...

LEED Certification has to do with many dimensions of a project, from energy efficiency to water use, public spaces, site layout and construction materials. Certification is available for both new projects and existing buildings. An interesting side effect of LEED Certification is that it often presents tax breaks and zoning variance options that would not otherwise be available to a developer.
Kara McLeod

Tom said...

Reply Comment for valid points raised by Commenters.

April - I have to agree with you about Western Ave. being shared by RPV and San Pedro. I wish the RPV City Council was taking a more active role in finding a solution. (sending a planning staffer to CAC meetings is not an active role). Especially as it is obvious the runoff coming from RPV is contributing greatly to the deterioration of the storm drains.

Anonymous, June 23, 2007 7:48 AM- I can only partially agree with you that we should know how many 4-bedrooms are proposed. I think 1,950 is not worth considering, but as I still believe 1,700 might be feasible, I don't want to dismiss it so quickly.

Kara - Do I get colored "stupid" yet? I was completely unfamiliar with LEED before, and in my limited research did not see the tax benefits and variance options.

Thank you all for raising valid points about concrete issues.

Anonymous said...

Why would you make such an offer to meet with Janice Hahn to discuss alligations of racism among R1 supporters? Why? Because first off you know it will never happen, second because you think your offer implies some sort of credibility. That's why.

You take things soooo far out of context Tom. Again , you just don't get it. You may have lived here and you may run some sort of business here, but you have no connection with the community I'm talking about. You know, the community of people who have many generations of family here (which include many different ethnicities)..the ones who have given San Pedro the character that so many other people wish they could be a part of, and is the reason why so many people continue to stay. I'm telling you, ethnic jokes and such have absolutely nothing to do with racism here in San Pedro. People like you create racism where it doesn't really exist, with overly sensitive reactions and politically correct brainwashing. This is just another angle you are pursuing to discredit the R1 movement. The Bisno supporters got spanked pretty good at the last CAC and now you are sinking to a new low by trying to alledge racism on people you don't even know personally. You should be ashamed. You talk about others showing respect for you, yet you have a REAL hard time being respectful yourself while hiding behind a fake name.

P.S. - I took Chuck Hart's comments as purely one where he was worried about property values. There was absolutely NO mention of race or ethnicity in his comment. You have no basis behind your accusation. Did I miss something in his words Tom? Maybe you couldn't hear so good from your seating behind Bisno.

Anonymous said...

No, you aren't stupid. A lot of people don't know about the green building movement. What even a lot of people who have heard of LEED don't know is exactly what I brought up, that in order to provide an incentive to builders looking at the bottom line, the program has built-in financial incentives. Most developers are not looking at the long term health of a community, it's their job to make a profit in the short term. The tax breaks, rebates and bonuses are a little carrot.
Isn't this the crux of the issue here though, that the new developments in town, not just Ponte Vista but all of them, aren't here because of altruism but because there is profit to be made. It's what makes their protestations of "building a better community" so insulting to our intelligence. Building a better community is what WE care about; profit is what developers care about. Anyone who tells you any different is lying or naive.

Tom said...

Anonymous June 24, 2007 1:17 PM -

I would make such an offer because it is true. Despite the CYA scurrying about which is happening now in the R-1 group, the fact is that remark by Chuck was "the tip of the iceberg". I know. I've heard other comments made by non-CAC members who are R Neighborhoods Are 1 members that were absolutely, chillingly racist.

Why meet with the Councilwoman? Well, since it seems to be a valid point of discussion to bring up Bisno's past behavior, then it is also fair to bring up the attitudes of opponents to Ponte Vista. Not everyone is lily-pure here. The attitudes of the R-1 people are an important factor in their motivations to oppose Ponte Vista. So the more information the Councilwoman has while making her decisions, the better.

While I admit to having a certain sensitivity to this type of thing while growing up having to listen to "Pollack jokes"; it is not only me reacting to the comments made during the CAC and outside in private contacts.

Why are you so set against it? If you are correct, the worst that could happen is I make a bigger fool of myself than I already have. But then, wouldn't that be a positive result for your "grassroots" movement? (Although how you can call something "grassroots" when it excludes and denigrates two of the major ethnic groups in the town escapes me.)

There is no "new low". NO group should be singled out and insulted. I don't care what justification you manufacture. Tolerating such actions is faux liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Tom- You suggested RPV should be more active in finding Ponte Vista solutions "especially" given the "deteriorating storm drains. Really? I fail to see the connection. In any case, you should know that most of Western Avenue between Westmont and Summerland lies within RPV boundaries and is commercially zoned. A more worthy reason for RPV to join in "finding solutions". Especially, given the potential redevelopment projects that could happen. April

Tom said...


Perhaps I was not clear enough. I did not say RPV should be more active in finding a solution to Ponte Vista.

What I said was RPV should be more active in finding solutions to the problems along Western Avenue.

Everyone knows that the runoff which flows under Western Avenue comes from RPV. It is on every topographic map you look at. I don't understand how, being as much of an activist as you are, you don't know this. The water flows downhill from all the paved-over areas in RPV. The overabundance of groundwater is what has been causing the storm drains to corrode and fail.

Failed storm drains means sinkholes and other problems which lead to road crews working on Western. We all have seen first-hand how road construction snarls traffic.

So please April, don't be so disingenuous. When you cite a problem, shouldn't you research it fully? RPV's failure to mitigate a problem they have known about for years is being paid for by residents of San Pedro.

Don't believe me? Okay, ask Kit Fox at the next CAC meeting. He's the guy with the long hair and the goatee. He works for the RPV Planning Department.

Just stop blaming Ponte Vista (which hasn't even been built yet) for a problem which has existed for years. The runoff problem will continue to exist even if not a single home is built.

Anonymous said...


First of all, please accept my apology for mis-understanding why you raised the stormdrain issue in the first place. I thought we are talking about "solutions" related to Ponte Vista as Kit Fox monitors the CAC meetings. I see now that you said one thing but meant to say something else. (I've done the same so I understand your position) Sorry, again.

Secondly, rest assured that Kit Fox is no stranger to me.

Third, please know that I have done my homework. I know far more about failed and failing stormdrains, RPV water run-off, corregated metal pipes vs. contrete, County pipes, RPV pipes and LA city pipes, maps, boundaries, government entities/agencies that may be responsible and sinkholes than the adverage Joe,including you. I've continued to study these matters since 1997. If you choose to challenge my knowledge in this regard.....BRING IT ON!

Next, you have stated your belief that San Pedro residents are paying for RPV failure to mitigate the problem. DO YOU MEAN "paying" stormdrain repair costs? Or simply paying the cost of sitting in traffic while stormdrains are repaired? This is a geniune question. So, please don't think or suggests otherwise.

Finally, you have ask me to "just stop blaming Ponte Vista" for runoff problems that have existed for years. To be clear, I do not by any extent of your imagination "blame" Ponte Vista for existing problems under Western Avenue. You seem to be deliberately mis-leading this issue to a unknown destination.

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about stormdrains and ownership of stormdrains. Or questions about when Eastview was annexed into RPV and what occurred with the transfer of boundaries in which stormdrain are located.

April (By the way, your awareness of my community activity is very interesting to say the least)

Tom said...

"Bring it on!"...??? Sorry April, but this isn't the WWF Smackdown website. No one questioned your knowledge of the subject of Western Avenue. So take a chill pill.

As far as "paying" for storm drain costs, there are several ways to look at "costs". One certainly is time lost sitting in traffic, then there is business lost for merchants along Western because people avoid it, and of course there is the actual cost of having a road crew out there.

But by no means can RPV claim they shoulder the majority of ANY of these costs. With your all-encompassing knowledge you should remember that 3 different entities share jurisdiction over Western. Only 1 of which is RPV, and that is a small part of the total anyway.

I am not deliberately misleading the issue away from anything. One of the main points brought up by the R-1 group has been storm drain repair and how it would effect traffic. They have said that the traffic would be even worse if Ponte Vista is built, so therefore Ponte Vista should not be built. Or so they say, in the most convoluted logic I've ever heard. In other words, "Don't fix the problem, just stop all construction."

If RPV gave a rat's fart about Eastview or their neighbor's in San Pedro, they would have been fixing the water runoff problems years ago. There were a couple "emergency" repairs they accomplished very quickly on Hawthorne Blvd. But the truth is, they don't care. It does not take a PhD. to know that water runs downhill. Since Western is downhill from RPV it is obvious where the water is coming from.

Instead of agitating to not give people a place to live, why don't you RPV people use your overabundance of energy to get your own City Council to solve a problem they are our causing for OUR community?

Don't flatter yourself. I don't need you to answer any questions for me. And as far as my awarenes of your community activity, being the crazy lady who lets out with catcalls during public meetings is a fairly obvious personality disorder. So my "awareness" of your activity is the same as the neighborhood kids knowing they should avoid the house on the corner with all the windows painted over. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

Regarding your "racism" claims. Based on your statement: "Well, since it seems to be a valid point of discussion to bring up Bisno's past behavior, then it is also fair to bring up the attitudes of opponents to Ponte Vista." I now see your motivation to slander people. Does this development really mean that much to you that you'd sink so low? Why are you so protective of Bob Bisno? Do you really believe he is such an honorable person? Wasn't it you who said that we all have to be neighbors when this is done? In many ways you are far worse that anyone in the "R1 Gang" as you call it.

Tom said...

Anonymous June 26, 2007 8:49 PM -

It isn't slander when it's true. I can name names, times, places, and exact quotes by people I know to be members of R Neighborhoods Are 1. Fine upstandin' folk, who would fit right in with a lynch mob from the '50s.

The development doesn't mean anything to me. Having input into how my neighborhood is affected does.

Since when is telling the truth "low"? I'm telling you "anonymous", YOUR theme is getting old. That's all you keep writing is that I am sinking low.

The R-1 gang are the one's who cannot seem to keep the discussion focused on the details of Ponte Vista and how to resolve problems and make it a positive project for San Pedro.

The only time the R-1 gang comments is to start some kind of off-topic discussion. Anything to get it off on a tangent because they know in a straight-up debate they will get trashed.

I stand by my previous statement. If it is allowed to bring up accusations against Bisno, and warn people that his motivations are less than honorable, then it is allowed to bring forth the motivations of the R-1 gang and point out their motivations are less than honorable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Try as you might, I'm not the least bit offended by your blow-hard opinions.

As you may recall the Wizard of Oz was eventually exposed and maybe someday you will too. Until then, I'm done responding to your cowardly stream of abuse. I suppose that was your goal. Enjoy your success in this regard!


Anonymous said...


Are you deleting my response to your latest stream of abuse? It's late now so I'll try again tomorrow.

Tom said...

No, no, no April! I had moderation turned on and perhaps you did not see it.

Please don't go! Seriously. At least you bring relevant issues to the discussion. Sorry if I get a little over-zealous in my replies. I'm used to dealing with those other idiots who just repeat the same mantra over and over.

I'd like to hear if you have any ideas about the storm drain issue and how in the devil we are going to get them fixed. Plus if the RPV City Council will ever start doing anything to divert runoff.

You always sign your comments, so I'll approve them for posting. Heck, you can even roast me back if you like. I probably deserve it.

The moderation was not aimed at you. There is one or two individuals who take anything I say and chant it back to me out-of-context. Their only goal is to de-rail the discussion. But like I said above, I'd like to hear if you think the storm drain and related issues can be repaired. Without even talking about Ponte Vista. THAT traffic is an entirely separate subject.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Tom, you said:
"We can either control it, or it will happen with little projects springing up like mushrooms all over town.

My question is how does Ponte Vista stop or mitigate all these projects going up all over town?

Tom said...

Finally an on-topic question!!!

Mr. Meadow, I'm working on a new post which should go up this evening or tomorrow. It was related to your question, but I'll try to be certain to include your specific topic in the post. If your question is not answered, please let me know and I will try to address it directly.

Tom Field