Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Shock & Awe??

I received an email from Mark Wells saying "Janice Hahn is thinking this new plan is D.O.A." and then going on to discuss other details of the evening.

I have to agree DOA is correct. If you remember, in my proposal I wrote that in order to motivate the developer I would stretch to 1,700 to give him some extra $$$. Seems he is not satisfied with that. 1,950 put me into shock. It is just too much. I don't care how luxurious it is.

It will take me a little bit, but you can count on a post soon.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It appears that only Mr. Bob Bisno's supporters can submit their opinions on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I disagree strongly with anonymous 11:08 AM.

After last night, I don't think there are enough supporters left who use computers or can think for themselves to actually comment on this or any other blog.

When Tom Field thinks 1,950 is a bad idea and DOA, it means that many other supporters of larger projects might fall by the wayside as far as Bob goes.

Tom said...

This blog is not going to become a bulletin board for ANYONE posting the same sentence over and over.

Trolls please go away.
