Tuesday, July 3, 2007

This blog is about Ponte Vista

I have been silent for a little bit in an attempt to figure out how to publish this blog, give people the chance to voice their opinions, yet still not be subjected to off-topic insults which have nothing to do with Ponte Vista. There are some people out there who do not want to do anything except stir things up. Could someone please tell me what it accomplishes? Here are 2 comments which were deleted:

Anonymous said...
Ha ha ha ha ha... You are soooo pathetic. You've resorted to begging!!!! Even the "tom" fans don't like your moderation. They're leaving you "tom". Moderation is not the way to control the situation "tom". It makes you seem too intolerant to other peoples opinions. You have no respect and everyone sees it exposed when you go into baby mode. Waaaaaah...
P.S. - Even though others may not see this post, I know you will read my messages. Moderation doesn't bug me much.
June 29, 2007 4:58 PM


Anonymous said...
It's over all right. This blog will dry up in no time. I bet you'll feel quite successful!!!
June 29, 2007 5:01 PM

What is the purpose of this? If it takes moderation to keeep this cretin off my blog, then so be it.

As another reader of the blog had commented:

KM said...
Yes, I did notice the comments had dried up. How disappointing. I was hoping to get more people aware of green building and restoration as a green alternative. And I was hoping to get more people informed about the other developments in town, or at least pique some interest.
June 28, 2007 9:04 AM

Taking that thought a little further, I was hoping to actually be able to do what Councilwoman Hahn asked for when she first set up the CAC - get ideas on how to incorporate things the community wants. I guess some people are more interesting in slinging mud than they are in bettering our community.

Take Mark Wells for instance. We had a fight. It got bad. I wrote some things I probably should not have. I stand chastised by Kara McLeod for not following my own rules. I offered to delete the offending posts and he turns it down. He says he is having too much fun skewering them. We agreed to go our separate ways. I agreed not to comment on his blog, he agreed not to comment on mine. Of course we are going to read each other's blogs because they are a source of a different point-of-view.

But who gets roasted regularly on Mark's blog? That's right - me. I'm criticized for moderation, even though you can see from the examples above what it is I'm deleting. I'm criticized that my readership is not as large as his. So what? I'm not writing just to see my own words in print. I don't care if anyone ever knows who I am or how many hits I get on the blog. My ego isn't that big. I want to generate dialogue. I don't need to post every day even when there isn't anything new to say. No "Odds and Ends", no "Trivia". No babbling endlessly. No roasting Joe Donato for being the new Honorary Mayor just because Mark alleges (where's the proof Mark?) that Joe received money from Bisno. Just like he alleged Dr. Vladovic received Bisno funds.

Newsflash Mark! The latter was a political campaign and it is legal to make contributions. As for Honorary Mayor, who cares where the money came from, the charities it benefits are ahead. Give it a rest already, dude. And in case you haven't noticed, Bisno isn't "touting" anything.

IN THIS BLOG - There aren't letters taken out of context, extrapolated with faulty methods and leading readers down a rosy path to misconceptions. There are no numbers plucked from unrelated material and then held up to the standard of "Where are they in the DEIR?" Can you really be that dense? The DEIR was and is a first-draft, a starting point. Not a static, all-defining document. If you are going to try to be an urban planner, at least be consistent. Forget all these hypothetical situations where Mr. and Mrs. X sell their home .... yada...yada...yada... and all the other hypothetical situations you dream up. Stick to the facts. Even April Sandell (even though I don't agree with her position) has a ton more knowledge than I could hope to have with regard to certain parts of the project. This is the lesson. Do good research first. Then run your mouth.

If you want to start bringing in past projects and saying they should be used to judge the moral fiber of the developer, then present the entire story, not just the part which is convenient for you. (More on that later. I promise.) There are a lot of people right here in this town who have no right to be talking about "moral fiber".

Anyway - The point is:

This blog is about Ponte Vista and how we can make it better for San Pedro. It is about time we got back to the main topic.

Tom Field


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