Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mark Wells' Four R's

• Responsible
• Realistic
• Reasonable
• Responsive

These four words were used early on by Mark Wells in his description of how he would conduct his membership on Councilwoman Hahn's Ponte Vista CAC, his blog, and his conduct in general.

But what has REALLY happened? Lets' take a quick review.

• Responsible

¤ Mr. Wells has repeatedly made unfounded accusations against individuals, claiming that they are in fact me. While he has only hinted at it on his blog, he has circulated several names in emails and conversations. As a result, people are suffering from being cast as a Bisno "supporter", or "bought by Bisno", or some other slur and being accused of writing this blog.

Mark Wells has this fixation with my identity which is completely out of proportion to any attention it deserves. Instead of focusing on the issues, Mark Wells wants to "out" me, or anyone else who disagrees with him. He cannot see the project and how it will affect San Pedro is more important than any individual.

So, Mark Wells, let me ask you directly. If I walked up to you tomorrow and introduced myself, what difference would it make in how people form their opinions about Ponte Vista? I'll tell you my opinion. Absolutely none. You see, I am not so full of myself as to think that I make one iota of difference. All that I do is write about what I see happening.

But let me give you a friendly warning. Slander and libel are very real offenses. You are committing both. The more people you harass in trying to "out" me, the more liability you are exposing yourself to.

¤ At least every other day he accuses Bisno Development of being responsible for supposedly buying off someone for some endorsement.

¤ A spoof blog was started and someone made the mistake of using real names on spoof comments. So what does Mark Wells do? He calls the cops. Even though the mistake was corrected, he is so full of spite and bile, he's going to make certain the SOB is found. Does that sound like the actions of a "responsible" individual?

¤ With not one shred of proof, evidence, or any other reason; any blog, letter, or any other written form of opinion is automatically (according to Mark Wells) a supporter, an employee, or agent for Bisno. More of Mark Wells and his "responsible" behavior.

¤ Mr. Wells himself is guilty of encouraging others to commit crimes. Paid canvassers are protected. Encouraging people to follow them around and harass them is a crime.

• Realistic

¤ On this topic, he has been all over the map. He plays Chicken Little, crying that the sky is falling and that all the units built at Ponte Vista will turn into rentals, or that all the buildings will look like Seaport Luxury Homes. The number of examples of this behavior are too numerous to mention. All you have to do is look through his blog and you will see the stupidity for yourself.

¤ He has continually taken statistics out of context, then gone off on a snipe-hunt with them ending up with some ridiculous permutation which had no relevance to reality. For example - taking the numbers of students-per-household out to the 7th decimal place? How ridiculous is that?

• Reasonable

¤ He tried to infer that Mr. Sal Saltomayor and Mr. Jack Baric did not vote in the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce's endorsement of the Ponte Vista plan because they were against it. In reality, they reasonably recused themselves from the vote because of their involvement with the Ponte Vista CAC. A very classy move by these two gentlemen which demonstrated their honesty and character.

Unlike Mr. Wells who unreasonably attempts to paint their principled action as something else.

¤ On a completely different note, it was Mark Wells who was screaming like a stuck pig about his First Amendment rights when he was asked by Victor Griego to tone down his blog while he was on the CAC. Rather than do that, he resigned from Councilwoman Hahn's committee.

Now, however, Mark Wells has created numerous blogs in response to my blog and others exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech. Every time a new blog appears, Mark Wells has to create his own new blog with an almost identical name in order to confuse the situation. All in order to squelch any opinion which differs from his.

Are these the actions of a "reasonable" person?

¤ Every time a group endorses Ponte Vista and growth, Mark Wells is right there to try badgering and hounding them into rescinding their endorsement. What's the matter Mark? You can't get enough of your own endorsements for your own plan so you have to knock down the other guys'? Oh, that's right. I almost forgot. You don't have a plan. Your plan is for nothing to be built at all. THAT is really going to help San Pedro.

¤ Mark Wells has no idea of what urban planning is, and he could not even stick out his tenure on Janice Hahn's committee, yet suddenly he is an expert and everyone is supposed to listen to him. What's your training Mark? And don't give me any of your PHD (Pedro High Diploma) crap. What are your qualifications?

• Responsive

This point is just plain ludicrous. How can anyone who say "R-1 No Compromise" even write the word responsive?

So how does this all stack up? Just a couple words.

Mark Wells - get a life,

your problem is obvious.


Anonymous said...

i thought you said this blog was about ponte vista, yet alomost all you do is babble on about mark wells. its getting very old. we know. you don't like mark wells. get on with your life because coming here is becoming a total waste of time. you picture shows real maturity. why should i think any less of you than mark wells?

Anonymous said...

Enough. You and Mark both need to start acting like grown-ups here.You are getting too far off topic with this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Man, you are obsessed.....
You should consult a professional about this.