Monday, May 14, 2007

Understanding the CONCEPT

Well, I've been busted! Mark Wells caught me. I said Mr. Jay Kim used 9,212 daily trips in his presentation. Actually Mr. Kim used that number in his presentation at the previous meeting. The 9,212 came from a comment Mr. Wells made regarding my "Traffic" post. Since that is what he brought up in his comment and that is the variable, I thought it would be okay to discuss it only. My Bad!

The correct total daily trips presented in the DEIR, and the number used by Mr. Kim at the CAC meeting on May 11, is 9,355. The difference being 143 trips projected to be generated by two baseball diamonds. Since there is a great uncertainty the baseball diamonds will be built because of the Port offering up Knoll Hill, I thought discussing the actual concepts, technicalities and reasons behind using ITE formulas versus a raw average was more important than including trips from (probably) non-existent baseball diamonds. Again, My Bad!

Even though Mr. Wells brought up the 9,212 number, he now wants to split hairs and has spent an excessive amount of time parsing each word I wrote in order to cast it in the worst possible light. Even though he posts up conciliatory comments in his own blog and on mine, he turns on a dime and gets very "not nice" in a big hurry. And even more ridiculously, started another blog in order to muddy the waters about blog names and where people go to read the truth. Direct quote from Mr. Wells' blog: "I will use this particular blog to rip the living shreds out of each and every post he creates." Just plain pettiness.

All this does is illustrate the reason I stopped posted on Mr. Wells' blog and started my own. It also confirms my decision to moderate comments. I had to go out for personal reasons and did not have time to instantly respond to Mr. Wells. He and an Anonymous flooded my inbox with vitriolic junk.

As you can all see by the site meter, a lot of people visited this blog on its inaugural day. Given it has only been here for one day, the count is not too bad.

Tirades about semantics can be found somewhere else. Endless commentary about minutiae can be found somewhere else. That is not the purpose of this blog.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you all continue to come back to read objective facts regarding the issues.

Tom Field

1 comment:

M Richards said...

If the DEIR states that there will be baseball diamonds and they are illustrated on many of the figures in the DEIR, and you believe the DEIR is a correct and trustworthy document, then there will be baseball diamonds at Ponte Vista.

It's just that simple, "Tom" for folks who think the DEIR is a reliable document.

Of course if you are stating here that their probably no be any baseball diamonds, other than, perhaps, the one that is already on the site, then perhaps you, too have problems with some things in the DEIR. Does this mean even YOU dispute some of the findings and facts you purport to be true, aren't?