Monday, May 14, 2007

Easy to Fix

Of course I expected it. But I thought (silly me) that the people who were happy being idiots would just stay on their own websites and let us have our own logical discussion.

But it did not last long. In only the second comment to one of the posts, someone had to test the rules and go off on a completely unrelated diatribe.

It's okay. It was easy to fix. And now the site will be fully moderated. R-1 thugs just do not get to take over and bully me.

Pleasant reading, and I look forward to your (on-topic) comments.


1 comment:

M Richards said...

Howdy Tom,

I can agree that you find many folks who remain Anonymous on my blog can be thought of as "Thugs", but I had hoped to keep the name calling to a minimum.

I truly believe that I can have a logical discussion with anyone on your blog, or anywhere else.

I'd really like to know how many folks are really "neutral" on the Ponte Vista subject. I feel those who profess neutrality won't visit any blog because they probably are also apathetic about the project.

Blogs seem to attract folks of one opinion or the other, on a variety of subjects.

If your blog can remain truly neutral, then it might become the most read of the blogs or Web sites, so folks can make up their own mind.

I am sure you are going to find some days that you are going to want to strangle somebody, and sometimes it is hard for me to keep my temper when I read some of the stuff on my blog.

I do have some irratation that some folks reading my blog aren't willing to take your opinion and live with the fact that it is your opinion. But that seems to be the way blogs work. The Ponte Vista project is almost more emotional than logical in our community, at this time. I have found it very tough to keep my emotions in check in comments and posts.

Be prepared to spend untold hours at the keyboard if your blog catches on like mine has done lately. I have to monitor it every day, sometimes several times a day. And because your are moderating the comments, that will take you more time.

With moderation, you get the chance to publish only the comments you want published, and that might not help your numbers grow, which is something bloggers want to do.

When I went to your site meter, it showed 28 visits, with 8 within the last hour, and that ain't bad.