Friday, August 3, 2007

Brief Hiatus

Well Moms and Dads, Boys and Girls, Kids of allll ages.... I'm going to take a brief hiatus.

With the apparent demise of the plans to build at Ponte Vista, there is not that much to talk about. In addition, there are so many of you on summer holidays, there is not much of a readership anyway.

So I thought this would be a good time to re-think the direction I want this blog to take. I'm tired of being taken to task for rebutting the baseless rumors and allegations of Mark Wells just because I specifically name him. Yet no one bothers to look that every time I write anyting, he jumps on it instantly, ripping it to shreds with his twisted logic. He parses my posts looking for things to criticize. Then he goes through it word by word, taking things out of context and "proving" them to be false. It should make people wonder why he feels so threatened that he has to do this. It makes me feel a bit sorry for him.

Despite repeated attempts in asking him to go his own way and leave me alone, and I would do the same; he cannot seem to control himself. He just has had to quash and belittle anyone who expressed even the slightest support for more housing in San Pedro.

It seems to me that twisted logic trumps facts. But that is the nature of fanaticism. And there can be no doubt that the R-1 thugs have proven themselves to be fanatics. They've proven they can shout louder and with more violence than anyone else. They've proven they can bully Councilwoman Hahn. One can only wonder what/whom they will turn their sights on next.

There seems to be no end to the arrogance of Mr. Wells. He write posts like "When Bob and I Are Wrong". My god, what type of arrogance is this? Or now that there is supposedly a new owner for one of the projects in downtown San Pedro, he is inserting himself into that as well. It was bad enough the this person who does not even live in San Pedro, and could not stick out his tenure on the CAC, butted in on Ponte Vista which was a subject to which he had no right to comment at all. Now he is going all the way across town to give his opinion about this other project.

Which brings up another point. He is such an "expert" that after all this time he can't even get the name of people involved in the project correct. He spells and has more typos worse than I do (and I am really bad). One would think if a person spent so much time reading through the DEIR, they could at least get names correct. But perhaps, I'm being too logical. If he is anything more than the cable-splicer that he claims he is, it is no wonder our phone system is so screwed up. "...working with data flow and computers..." requires precision and accuracy. Mr. Well's blog has demonstrated he has absolutely no understanding of either concept.

Furthermore, who the hell is Mark Wells that his opinion counts for anything more than using to clean up his dog's mess? But I guess if you say enough outrageous things, people will believe them. Next thing you will see is Mark Wells running for an RPV city council seat. He might be whacked, but at least he's got a healthy ego.

I'll be back. But first I have to decide which way this blog is going.

Tom Field

p.s. RE. his comment about my 15 minutes of fame being over; that's fine because they never really started. It was never my intention to have 15 minutes of fame, so it's no big thing for me.


Anonymous said...

Mark Wells is a bigger jerk than you'll ever know. You have only confirmed my suspicions...I thought he really hated me personally (class reunion committee), but now I don't feel so bad! I know for a fact if he doesn't get his way he takes all his toys (aka laptop with classmates info) and goes home! For more unbelievable bullshit contact me. I have nothing to do with your housing debate, but I am seriously concerned with Downtown San Pedro, where my office is located. You mentioned he's getting involved in that, too? The man truly has no life, and in a way I feel sorry for him...but once he vilified me in an email, hey buddy, all bets are off!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It was bad enough the this person who does not even live in San Pedro, and could not stick out his tenure on the CAC, butted in on Ponte Vista which was a subject to which he had no right to comment at all. Now he is going all the way across town to give his opinion about this other project.

This is the most intelligent thing I've ever read. The project is the 2nd largest in the city of LA since Playa Vista. Anyone who lives in LA County has the right to comment on it, but they don't have the right to butt in and try to subvert the process. GOOD ONE!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Glad you did not go on the hiatus Tom. Still moderating the jerk posts I see.
The first Anon is obviously a person who is disappointed; looking for someone who can understand his frustration and to provide up some he found you Tom. How great. It will be fun to see what Mark Wells really has as an agenda.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you're a genius.

Anonymous said...

Time to go back on hiatus...dont cha think?

Anonymous said...
