Monday, November 26, 2007

The Privileged and Disgruntled Few

Back in May, a small group of homeowners association members upset over a development project began a recall effort against Jack Weiss the 5th District Councilman. The movement never gained any support outside of neighborhoods of the founding five members. The recall was a complete failure.

What was never publicized was the motivation of the main instigator. It seems this person was to be a major beneficiary of the project because of land rights which would have to be purchased by the developer. However, they were not getting quite the profit they felt they were entitled to. This person appealed to Mr. Weiss for assistance. Mr. Weiss wisely refused to get involved. The landowner was enraged. So what actions do you they took to set things right (in their mind)? They relied on being loud and on demonizing anyone who did not agree with them. In this case Councilman Weiss. His neutrality was evil and disagreement with their particular view was a punishable offense. And the recall was born.

Funny how we have not heard much about the failure of the recall. Nor has anyone described exactly where and how the money raised for the effort was spent. It sort of just flittered away.

Golly, that situation sounds familiar. Money flittering away. Kind of like the money which the Coastal council spent for the benefit of the R Neighborhoods Are 1 Committee without the proper accounting, not to mention in contravention of state law. For that matter, the R-1 gang seem as if they borrowed the entire playbook. Unfounded accusations against Bisno; personal, vindictive attacks against employees; vicious retribution against Ponte Vista supporters.

Only difference is, we do it "the Pedro way" That means we have a president of a neighborhood council justifying the skewed membership in the councils. He thinks it is just fine that "They're older, whiter, wealthier and dominated by homeowners..." And does not support the 912 Commission's recommendation for incorporating demographics. We have Mark Wells writing in his blog that Ponte Vista is going to become "projects" with an obvious slap at the Hispanic and black communities in our town. We have folks trashing years-long friendships over differing opinions about an inescapable reality. Yes, OUR lunatic fringe is much better than any other around the entire city. We don't just start a recall, in OUR community we get down-and-dirty. What is breaking a few laws as long as we keep out the Beverley Hills developer? It's not important that we deceive our friends and neighbors. The important thing is that we continue to artificially limit housing opportunities for anyone who wants to live here, but wasn't born here.

All so some privileged and disgruntled few can keep up their property values, and keep San Pedro an economic and cultural backwater.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah damn right. The privileged...the old...the few...the white...the wealthy... If you don't like it then pick you big goofy curley haired ass up and go live in Playa Vista. People like you just don't have a clue. You have no sense of what the real community of San Pedro is. Bob Bisno has all the answers that none of us who have generations of San Pedro family/community members could figure out. You just haven't been around long enough Tommy boy... I feel sorry for your misguided ignorance.

Tom said...

I decided to post this comment up just so people could see the garbage the R-1 thugs put up. If you don't agree with what they think, they make you pay.

I think this pretty much proves my point about their latent racism.